Redefining possibilities through creativity

White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background. Magic concept.White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background.
White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background. Magic concept.White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background.
Disco Ball Illustration



Ein Prosiectau

Our Projects

White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background. Magic concept.White glitter wave abstract illustration. White stars dust trail sparkling particles isolated on transparent background.

Our Glee Clubs are specifically designed to raise ​the roof and lift the spirit through social singing ​for wellbeing. We create a safe and inclusive ​space for singers of all abilities to meet others ​and sing some of our favourite songs. We don’t ​use sheet music or musical jargon, instead ​focussing on building confidence and vocal ​technique whilst having fun. We currently run ​Porthcawl Glee Club on Thursday evenings and ​are soon opening Glee Clubs in Port Talbot and ​Nantymoel.

If this sounds like something you are interested in ​trying, email for ​more information.

Mae ein Clybiau Glee wedi’u cynllunio’n ​benodol i godi’r to a chodi’r ysbryd trwy ganu ​cymdeithasol er lles. Rydym yn creu gofod ​diogel a chynhwysol i gantorion o bob gallu ​gwrdd ag eraill a chanu rhai o’n hoff ganeuon. ​Nid ydym yn defnyddio cerddoriaeth ddalen na ​jargon cerddorol, yn hytrach yn canolbwyntio ar ​fagu hyder a thechneg leisiol wrth gael hwyl. Ar ​hyn o bryd rydym yn rhedeg Clwb Glee ​Porthcawl ar nos Iau ac yn fuan yn agor ​Clybiau Glee ym Mhort Talbot a Nantymoel.

Os yw hyn yn swnio fel rhywbeth y mae ​gennych ddiddordeb mewn ceisio, e-bostiwch ​ am ragor o ​wybodaeth.

Creativity At Tŷ Elis

Creativity At Tŷ Elis

Creadigrwydd yn Nhŷ Elis

Creadigrwydd yn Nhŷ Elis

We collaborated with Tŷ Elis Counseling Service in ​Porthcawl on a 7-week project to explore how creativity ​could enhance wellbeing. Each week, we introduced a ​different art form, providing clients of the service with ​opportunities to discover and develop new skills. This ​approach encouraged participants to continue ​practicing art forms at home that resonated with them ​and to keep exploring creativity beyond the duration of ​the project. The project also acted as a springboard for ​accessing community groups in the future for ​participants who had previously found it difficult to ​attend creative sessions in the local community.

Buom yn cydweithio â Gwasanaeth Cwnsela Tŷ ​Elis ym Mhorthcawl ar brosiect 7 wythnos i ​archwilio sut y gallai creadigrwydd wella lles. Bob ​wythnos, fe wnaethom gyflwyno ffurf gelfyddydol ​wahanol, gan roi cyfleoedd i gleientiaid y ​gwasanaeth ddarganfod a datblygu sgiliau ​newydd. Roedd y dull hwn yn annog cyfranogwyr i ​barhau i ymarfer ffurfiau celf gartref a oedd yn ​atseinio gyda nhw ac i barhau i archwilio ​creadigrwydd y tu hwnt i gyfnod y prosiect. Roedd ​y prosiect hefyd yn sbardun ar gyfer cael ​mynediad i grwpiau cymunedol yn y dyfodol ar ​gyfer cyfranogwyr a oedd wedi’i chael hi’n anodd ​yn flaenorol i fynychu sesiynau creadigol yn y ​gymuned leol.

Linear Gradient Button Glow Effect

Impact Report

Sleek Clean Monoline Decorative Click

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Dilynwch ni ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol i gael y prosiectau diweddaraf a sut ​i gymryd rhan

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