August 2024

Impact ​Report

Sarah Milligan

Gwella CBC Reg.15885755

Monoline Retro Elements Graphic

August 2024




Our art sessions are distinct because we use creativity as a methodology ​to improve wellbeing and social outcomes. We are pleased that our pilot ​partnership with Tŷ Elis has thrived, meaning we could offer clients ​valuable opportunities to reintegrate into the community following their ​counselling.




Free art ​workshops in the ​training room

Led by creative artist ​practitioner and ​wellbeing assistant

7 two-hour sessions ​over 7 weeks

75% said the sessions ​were “extremely ​enjoyable”

100% said that they ​benefitted by attending the ​sessions

100% said that the ​two hours were ​“about right”

50% said that they ​developed new ​hobbies and skills

Across all participants there were ​improvements in the following :

  • Confidence
  • Motivation
  • People Skills
  • Wellbeing
  • Social Connections
  • Reducing Social Isolation
  • Management of MH

The group now meet every ​Wednesday in Nottage to socialise.

Our “Silly Portraits” Session

Week Two

Our “Silly Portraits” Session

Week Two

Retro 90's Lined

August 2024



Abstract Geometric Shape

how they benefitted most

It reminded me of how important it is to have a creative ​outlet when it comes to mental wellbeing. To meet a ​group of like-minded people who laughed, chatted and ​worked towards projects was very enjoyable.

I benefitted from attending the sessions by it ​relaxing me and motivating me to get back into ​my creative activities.

Enjoyed getting to know others. Been ​amazing. Relaxing. Feeling very grateful.

It taught me to be calmer, to listen to others, ​be creative to be calmer!

What went well

Abstract Geometric Shape

Patience to be creative in one’s own space, ​given skills for future, never knew being ​creative could help with MH.

Fun. Being able to open up and be creative. Doing what ​we wanted that felt comfortable. Lovely people had a ​great laugh.

We shared a lot which I feel is a big thing. It ​was very creative in lots of ways. Some that ​were completely new to me but very ​interesting and enjoyable.

The hosts, Sarah and Elliot, were very helpful and ​entertaining as they were so enthusiastic. We all felt as ​though we belonged to a group. There was an aura of ​kindness and consideration. Every individual felt valued and ​their “creations” whether collage, a poem or piece of prose ​was appreciated by all.

Abstract Geometric Shape

What didn’t go well

It was regrettable that I could not attend all ​the sessions, but the five that I did could not ​be faulted.

On times, I was sad/low due to my grieving…This is ​ongoing at this time. I am still early days in my ​journey.

Important not to have such an abrupt end to the ​sessions and instead a staggered phasing out of the ​sessions.

Further Feedback

Abstract Geometric Shape

It would have been nice if our original number (9) ​could be maintained.

I think that any further classes should be kept ​small.

Enjoyed, and very glad this opportunity came. Came at ​the right time. Didn’t want to stop. Something I could ​look forward to beside work :)

Sarah & Elliot were outstanding, comforting and ​understanding and helped every person with different ​MH issues.

Seaside Creative Writing and Collage

Week 4

Seaside Creative Writing and Collage

Week 4

Retro 90's Lined

August 2024

Most significant ​change story

A participant’s journey through our Arts in Health programme in their own words.

Covid broke me

By anonymous

My life has always been my children and job coming first. I brought my children up single-​handedly and they are my world, my life’s work and my greatest success and I am very ​proud of them both. My other greatest success is that I was an Advisory Specialist Teacher ​for children with special educational needs, it was an important role but I’m retired now.

Writing is my passion and something that used to come easily to me, and something I ​enjoyed doing and felt that I was good at. The Covid years stifled me of all things. This ​would have been a perfect time to write, but I did not. In fact I didn’t do anything, I was ​completely taken over by fear and anxiety which grew out of hand, unfortunately. I was ​plunged into ‘alone time’ with no ‘bubbles’ as I had no family nearby and friends had their ​own ‘bubbles’, usually with their family members. I was petrified of dying alone and in ​distress with no family there to say goodbye. Thank goodness for zoom and WhatsApp ​video calls. I got so good convincing everyone that I was okay on such chats but it took its ​toll on my mental health and outlook on life. I should have made a journal but it would have ​been so depressing and repetitive. Covid broke me!!

My counsellor suggested coming to the group as a way of gently getting back into ​some sort of social life, with perhaps like-minded people. A chance to get out of the house ​for a few hours a week if nothing more. So armed with my exercises to get out of the door, ​and address my anxiety and agoraphobic issues, I did just that. Being with some others who ​also had the fear of being in a group (for their own reasons) and the difficulty of actually ​attending such a group was interesting and helpful in some ways.


August 2024

Most significant ​change


My most significant changed happened when it was just the three of us doing the writing task. ​The sixth session was only Sarah, Elliot and me for the first hour. I was encouraged to “lead” ​the session, in so much as decide what I’d like to do for it. It brought me back to when I was a ​teacher. Even though I wasn’t the organiser I felt more equal and I felt confident about what I ​wanted to say and felt good about it. Obviously creative writing was my choice and I was ​pleased with the outcome and I was pleased with myself. If it had been the first or second ​session I would not have said a word but I just had the confidence then by that time to think I ​can do this.

Over the 7 sessions I was able to reassess my situation. It encouraged me to dip my toe in the ​social pool. It gave me a reason to leave my house and join a group of people I’d never met ​before. Something I thought I wouldn’t be able to do. But I did it for seven weeks.

I just feel like from Covid and a bit before I felt life was quite miserable and then to be ​reminded that there were happy times, you can remind yourself that you can do these things, ​your self-confidence can come back if its in a proper supportive way.

I don’t feel that I am artistic at all but then again, I don’t think that this course was anything to ​do with the art, well it was but that’s not the main idea of it all. I think it was to express and to ​look at yourself and to gain something from it and feel something from it which I did, so thank ​you.

Its just reminded me that there is more to life now. Well I miss the past and I miss my children ​and I miss my father, it’s like a physical pain but I have got to get over that. It’s given me the ​confidence that I can do these things and it reminded me of things I’m good at.

Confidence to do more, to get out of the house and see what’s out there and have a go even ​if I don’t like it. Confidence to carry on and open up my life a bit more. I think I can get myself ​back on track now, I’ve had a bit of a push.

My most significant change is the confidence that I have gained and the prospect of me being ​able to return to my former self. I now feel more confident and happier in myself.

the end

Monoline Retro Elements Graphic

August 2024


It is clear that the creative intervention that took place across seven weeks in the training room ​at Tŷ Elis complimented talking therapy and is a great stepping stone to encourage clients to ​socialise, connect and express themselves.

A heartfelt thank you is extended to Karen Fraser and Canon Philip Masson for their ​commitment to this partnership and willingness to explore different approaches to wellbeing ​and mental health.

We would also like to thank the following for their contributions to the success of this project:

  • Steve Curry, Tŷ Elis
  • Val Davies, Tŷ Elis
  • Wendy Jenkins, Tŷ Elis
  • Sally Corbett, Tŷ Elis
  • Michelle McConnell, Tŷ Elis
  • Alison Mawby, BAVO

We look forward to further opportunities to offer Arts in Health initiatives in Tŷ Elis.

Sarah Milligan

Elliot Shenton


Gwella CBC Reg.15885755

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